Allison Hebert

Research interests

Kokanee salmon (Oncorhychus nerka) ecology, restoration and management
Large lakes limnology and trophic interactions
Nutrient dynamics and restoration in large lakes and reservoirs
Primary productivity

Research Bio

I am a Biologist whose work is focused on two main themes: trophic responses to long-term nutrient restoration programs in reservoirs across British Columbia, with a focus on Kokanee salmon; and patterns in and factors affecting primary productivity in large lakes and reservoirs. Our team does this through comprehensive ecosystem monitoring programs that employ a wide range of techniques (e.g. carbon 14 uptake experiments, gillnetting, hydroacoustic surveys). Our objective is to gain an understanding of ecosystem functioning and how large lakes and reservoirs respond to a range of management actions. We use this information to adaptively manage our restoration programs, inform decision makers so they can balance potential trade-offs, and contribute to the body of literature on these subjects. We frequently work with students and graduates from resource and conservation programs at BCIT, SFU and UBC.

Primary publications

Scott DC, Harris SL, Hebert AS, van Poorten BT. Balancing nutrients in a highly managed system: considering anadromous sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and nutrient restoration. Submitted to Lake and Reservoir Management.

Recent reports

Harris SL, Wykpis PM, Hebert AS. In press. Kootenay Lake Primary Productivity, 2008-2014. Ecosystems Protection & Sustainability Branch, Ministry of Environment, Province of British Columbia.

Hebert AS, Andrusak GF, Harris SL, Weir T, Vidmanic L. 2015. Alouette Reservoir Nutrient Restoration Project 5-year Review, 2009-2013. RD 150. Ecosystems Protection & Sustainability Branch, Ministry of Environment, Province of British Columbia.

Hebert AS, Harris SL, Weir T, Davies MB, Schellenberg A. 2015. Wahleach Reservoir Nutrient Restoration Project, 2013-2014. RD 153. Ecosystems Protection & Sustainability Branch, Ministry of Environment, Province of British Columbia.


Hebert AS, Scott DC, Harris SL, Weir T. 2014. A multi-step approach to restoring anadromy in Alouette Reservoir (British Columbia): Understanding the nutrient fluxes of our management activities. Presented at: JASM 2014. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Bridging Genes to Ecosystems: Aquatic Science at a Time of Rapid Change; Portland, OR, USA.