Rosenfeld Lab Publications
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* indicates graduate students or undergraduates
Naman, S.M., Rosenfeld, J.S., Neuswanger, J.R., Enders, E.C., and Eaton, B.C. 2019. Comparing correlative and bioenergetics‐ based habitat suitability models for drift‐feeding fishes Freshwater Biology 64 (9), 1613-1626
Rosenfeld, J.S. and Naman, S.M. 2019. A simple method for sampling invertebrate drift in large rivers and boulder‐bed streams. River Research and Applications 35 (4), 442-447
SM Naman, JS Rosenfeld, PM Kiffney, JS Richardson. 2018. The energetic consequences of habitat structure for forest stream salmonids Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (5), 1383-1394
Champion, M.C., Rosenfeld, J.S., Shadwick, R. 2018. Effects of water velocity and substrate composition on foraging efficiency of an endangered benthic cyprinid, Nooksack dace (Rhinichthys cataractae subsp. cataractae). Hydrobiologia 805:231–243
Rosenfeld, J.S. 2017. Developing flow-ecology relationships: implications of non-linear biological responses for water management. Freshwater Biology 63:1305-1324
Rosenfeld, J.S. and Ptolemy, R. 2017. Trade-offs and the importance of separating science and values in environmental flow assessment. Canadian Water Resources Journal 42:88-96
Naman S.M., Rosenfeld J.S., Richardson J.S., Way J.L. 2017. Species traits and habitat architecture mediate flow disturbance impacts on invertebrate drift. Freshwater Biology 340-355
Allen, D.W.*, Rosenfeld, J.S., and Richards, J. 2016. Physiological basis of metabolic tradeoffs between growth and performance among different strains of rainbow trout. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73: 1493-1506
Eaton, B., and Rosenfeld, J.S. 2016. Mechanisms of flow and sediment transport in fluvial ecosystems: physical and ecological consequences. (Book Chapter) In E.A. Johnson and Y.E. Martin. Ecosystems: A Biogeoscience Approach. Cambridge University Press.
Rosenfeld, J.S., Beecher, H., and Ptolemy, R. 2016. Developing bioenergetic-based habitat suitability curves to improve the biological accuracy of instream flow models. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:1205-1219
Naman, S.*, Rosenfeld, J.S., and Richardson, J. 2016. Causes and consequences of invertebrate drift in running waters: from individuals to populations and trophic fluxes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73: 1292-1305
Leduc, A.O.H.C., da Silva, E.M., and Rosenfeld J.S. 2015. Effects of species vs. functional diversity: Understanding the roles of complementarity and competition on ecosystem function in a tropical stream fish assemblage. Ecological Indicators 48: 627-635
Rosenfeld, J.S., Van Leeuwen, T., Richards, J., and Allen, D. 2015. Relationship between growth and standard metabolic rate: measurement artefacts and implications for habitat use and life‐history adaptation in salmonids. Journal of Animal Ecology 84:4-20.
Ogston, L., Gidora, S., Foy, M. and Rosenfeld, J.S. 2014. Watershed-scale effectiveness of floodplain habitat restoration for juvenile coho salmon in the Chilliwack River, British Columbia, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72: 479-490
McParland, D.J., Eaton, B., and Rosenfeld, J.S. 2014. At-a-station hydraulic geometry simulator. River Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2851
Avery-Gomm, S., Rosenfeld, J.S., Richardson, J.S. 2014. Hydrological drought and the role of refugia in an endangered riffle-dwelling fish, Nooksack dace (Rhinichthys cataractae ssp.). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 71: 1625-1634.
Rosenfeld, J.S. 2014. 50/500 or 100/1000? 2014. Reconciling short-and long-term recovery targets and MVPs. Biological Conservation, 176: 287-288.
Rosenfeld, J.S. 2014. Modelling the effects of habitat on self-thinning, energy equivalence, and optimal habitat structure for juvenile trout. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71: 1395-1406.
Rosenfeld, J.S., Bouwes, N., Wall, C.E., and Naman, S.N. 2014. Successes, failures, and opportunities in the practical application of drift-foraging models. Environmental Biology of Fishes 97: 551-574.
Laliberte, J.J., Post, J.R. Rosenfeld, J.S. 2013. Hydraulic geometry and longitudinal patterns of habitat quantity and quality for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). River Research and Applications DOI: 10.1002/rra.2666
Rosenfeld, J.S. and Ptolemy, R. 2012. Modelling available habitat versus available energy flux: do PHABSIM applications that neglect prey abundance underestimate optimal flows for juvenile salmonids? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69: 1920– 1934
Velema, G.J., Rosenfeld, J.S., and Taylor, E.B. 2012. Effects of invasive American signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) on the reproductive behaviour of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) sympatric species pairs. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 1328–1338.
Rosenfeld, J.S., Campbell, K, Leung, E.S.,Bernhardt, J., and Post, J. 2011. Habitat effects on depth and velocity frequency distributions: implications for modelling hydraulic variation and fish habitat suitability in streams. Geomorphology131: 127-135.
Van Leeuwen, T.E., Rosenfeld, J.S., and Richards, J.G. 2012. Effects of food ration on SMR: influence of food consumption on individual variation in metabolic rate in juvenile coho salmon (Onchorhynchus kisutch). Journal of Animal Ecology, 81: 395-402
Van Leeuwen, T.E., Rosenfeld, J.S., and Richards, J.G. 2011. Adaptive trade-offs in juvenile salmonid metabolism associated with habitat partitioning between coho salmon and steelhead trout in coastal streams. Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 1012-1023.
Van Leeuwen, T.E., Rosenfeld, J.S., and Richards, J.G. 2011. Failure of physiological metrics to predict dominance in wild juvenile salmon: habitat effects on the allometry of growth in dominance hierarchies. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68:1811-1818.
Ormond, C. I., Rosenfeld, J.S., and Taylor. E.B. 2011. Environmental determinants of threespine stickleback species pair evolution and persistence. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68: 1983-1997
Rosenfeld, J.S., Hogan,D.L., Palm,D., Lundqvist,H, and Nilsson,C., Beechie,T. 2010. Contrasting landscape influences on sediment supply and stream restoration priorities in Sweden and western North America. Environmental Management 47:28-39
Leduc, A.O.H.C., Roh, E., MacNaughton C.J.,Benz, F., and Rosenfeld, J. 2010. Ambient ph and the response to chemical alarm cues in juvenile Atlantic salmon: mechanisms of reduced behavioral responses. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:117–128.
Rosenfeld, J.S. and E. Raeburn. 2009. Effects of habitat and internal subsidies on juvenile coho salmon growth: implications for stream productive capacity. Ecology of Freshwater Fishes 18: 572–584.
Leung, E. S., Rosenfeld, J.S., and Bernhardt,J.R. 2009. Habitat effects on invertebrate drift in a small trout stream: implications for prey availability to drift-feeding fish. Hydrobiologia 623:113–125
Rosenfeld, J.S. and Taylor, J. 2009. Prey abundance, channel structure, and the allometry of growth rate potential for juvenile trout. Fisheries Management and Ecology 16: 202–218.
Carrier, P.C., Rosenfeld, J.S., and R. Johnson. 2009. Dual‐gear approach for calibrating electric fishing capture efficiency and abundance estimates. Fisheries Management and Ecology 16: 139–146.
Naujokaitis-Lewis, R. I., Curtis J.R., Arcese, P., and Rosenfeld, J.S. 2009. Sensitivity analyses of spatial population viability analysis models for species at risk and habitat conservation planning. Conservation Biology 23:225-229.
Rosenfeld, J.S., Carrier, P.C., and R. Johnson. 2008. Effects of side channel habitat structure on productivity of floodplain habitats for juvenile coho salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1108–1119.
Rosenfeld, J.S., Post, J., Robins,G., and Hatfield,T. 2007. Hydraulic geometry as a physical template for the River Continuum: applications to optimal flows and longitudinal trends in fish habitat. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 63:683-698.
Rosenfeld, J.S., and Hatfield, T. 2006. Information needs for assessing critical habitat of freshwater fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:683-698.
Rosenfeld, J. S., Thomas Leiter, Gerhard Lindner, and Lorne Rothman. 2005. Food abundance alters habitat selection, growth, and habitat suitability curves for juvenile coho salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 62:1691-1701.
Rosenfeld, J. S. 2003. Assessing the habitat requirements of stream fishes: an overview and evaluation of different approaches. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:953–968.
Rosenfeld, J. S., and Huato, L. 2003. Relationship between LWD characteristics and pool formation in small coastal British Columbia streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:928–938.
Rosenfeld, J. S. Functional redundancy in ecology and conservation. 2002. Oikos 98:156-162.
Rosenfeld, J. S. Logical fallacies in the assessment of functional redundancy. 2002. Conservation Biology 16:837-839.
Rosenfeld, J.S., S.Macdonald, D. Foster, S. Amrhein, B. Bales, T. Williams, F. Race, and T. Livingstone. 2002. Importance of small streams as rearing habitat for sea-run cutthroat trout and coho salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:177- 187.
Rosenfeld, J.S., M. Porter, M. Pearson, B. Wicks, P. Van Dishoeck, T. Patton, E. Parkinson, G. Hass, and J. D. Mcphail. 2001. The influence of temperature and habitat on the distribution of chiselmouth (Acrocheilus alutaceus) in British Columbia. Environmental Biology of Fishes 62:401-413.
Rosenfeld, J.S. and S. Boss. 2001. Fitness consequences of habitat use for juvenile cutthroat trout: energetic costs and benefits in pools and riffles. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58:585-593.
Rosenfeld, J.S. 2000. Effects of fish predation in erosional and depositional habitats in a temperate stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 57:1369-1379.
Rosenfeld,J.S., Porter,M., and E.A. Parkinson. 2000. Habitat factors affecting the abundance and distribution of juvenile cutthroat trout and coho salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:766-774.
Porter, M, J.S. Rosenfeld, and E.A. Parkinson. 2000. Predictive models of fish distribution in the Blackwater drainage. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 20:349-358.
Rosenfeld, J.S. 2000. Contrasting effects of fish predation in a fishless and fish-bearing stream. Archive fur Hydrobiologie. 147: 129- 142.
Rosenfeld, J.S., M. Porter, and E. Parkinson. 2000. Habitat associations of juvenile cutthroat trout: implications for forestry impacts; pages 587-593 in Biology and Management of Species and Habitats at Risk in British Columbia (Conference Proceedings).
Porter, M.S., Rosenfeld, J, and E.A.Parkinson. 2000. Predictive models of fish species distribution in the Blackwater drainage, British Columbia; pages 599-608 in Biology and Management of Species and Habitats at Risk in British Columbia (Conference Proceedings).
Rosenfeld, J.S. 1997. The influence of upstream predation on the expression of predation effects in downstream patches. Freshwater Biology 37:535-543.
Rosenfeld, J.S. 1997.The effect of large macroinvertebrate herbivores on sessile epibenthos in a mountain stream. Hydrobiologia 344:75- 79.
Rosenfeld, J.S., and J.J. Hudson. 1997. Primary production, bacterial production, and invertebrate biomass in pools and riffles in southern Ontario streams. Archive fur Hydrobiologie 139:301-316
Barrett, J.C, G.D. Grossman, and J. Rosenfeld. 1992. Turbidity-induced changes in the reactive distance of Rainbow trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 121:437-443.
Rosenfeld, J.S., and J.C. Roff. 1992. Stable isotope analysis of the carbon base in southern Ontario streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 11:1-10.
Rosenfeld, J.S., and J.C. Roff. 1991. Primary production and the availability of autochthonous carbon in southern Ontario streams. Hydrobiologia 224:99-109.
Meisner, J.D., J.S. Rosenfeld, and H.A. Regier. 1988. The role of groundwater in the impact of climate warming on stream fisheries. Fisheries 13:2-8.
Rosenfeld, J.S., and R.J. Mackay. 1987. Assessing the food base of stream ecosystems: alternatives to the P/R ratio. Oikos 50: 141-147.