Shannon Harris

Research interests

Reservoir Ecology and Restoration
Large Lakes Ecosystem Dynamics - trophic interactions in large lakes
Phytoplankton ecology and physiology, specialization in primary productivity
Large Lakes Management

Research bio

I am a Limnologist with expertise in reservoir and large lakes ecology. I have significant experience in the study, restoration and management of Kokanee salmon.  I develop, deliver and evaluate comprehensive ecosystem monitoring programs to gain a mechanistic understanding of ecosystem functioning and how a multiple lake and reservoir manipulations (nutrient additions, flow, species introduction and augmentation) impact trophic dynamics and interactions in BC lakes and reservoirs.

Our team strengths lies in our diverse partnerships with other agencies, First Nations and stakeholder groups such as: BC Hydro, DFO, Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, Alouette River Management Society, Jones Lake Cabin Association, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program, as well as many colleagues from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, BC Parks, BC Corrections, and the Environmental Protection Branch.

Primary publications

Scott, D.C, S.L. Harris, A.S. Hebert, B.T. van Poorten. in press. Nutrient management in the Alouette Basin, British Columbia: Implications of the return of anadromous sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) after a 75 year absence. Submitted to Lake and Reservoir Management.

Harris, S.L, D.E. Varela, F.W. Whitney and P.J.Harrison. 2009. Nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics off the west coast of Vancouver Island during the 1997/1998 ENSO event. Deep Sea Research II. 56 v 25: 2487-2502.

Ianson, D.C., S. Harris, S.E. Allen, K. Orians, D.E. Varela and C.S. Wong. 2003. The inorganic carbon system in the coastal upwelling region west of Vancouver Island, Canada. Deep-Sea Research I, 50: 1023-1042.

Pieters, R. S. Harris, L.C. Thompson, J.G. Stockner, H. Andrusak, K.I Ashley, B. Lindsay, K. Hall, and D. Lombard. 2003. Restoration of Kokanee Salmon in the Arrow Lakes Reservoir, British Columbia: Preliminary results of a fertilization experiment, p. 177–196. In Stockner J.G. [ed.], Nutrients in salmonid ecosystems: Sustaining production and biodiversity. American Fisheries Society. 34: 177-196.

Selected Reports

Hebert, A.S., G.F. Andrusak, S.L. Harris, T. Weir and L. Vidmanic. 2015. Alouette Reservoir Nutrient Restoration Project-5 year review. 2009-2013. Ecosystems Protection & Sustainability Branch, Ministry of Environment, Province of British Columbia. Report prepared for BC Hydro. 125p.

Bray, K., D. Sebastian, T. Weir, R. Pieter, S. Harris, D. Brant and L. Vidmanic. 2013. Kinbasket and Revelstokes Ecological Productivity and Kokanee Production Monitoring; 2008-2011 Synthesis Report. 113p

Harris, S.L. 2012. Primary productivity in Kinbasket and Revelstoke Reservoirs, 2012. Report prepared for BC Hydro. 19p

Perrin, C.J. and S. Harris. 2006. Trophic status of Elsie Lake Reservoir, 2005. Report prepared by Limnotek Research and Development Inc. and Hupacasath First Nation for Bridge Coastal Restoration Program. 41p.

Harris, S.L., A.R. Langston, J.G. Stockner and L. Vidmanic. 2005. A limnological assessment of four Williston Reservoir embayments, 2004. 2005.  Prepared for the Peace/Williston Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program Report. Prince George, BC. 55p.

Harris, S.L. 2002. Slocan Lake Primary Productivity Monitoring Program, 2000 & 2001. Report prepared for Redfish Consulting Ltd. Nelson, B.C. 32p