Theresa Godin
Research interests
Development of fish stocks for recreational fisheries
Recreational fisheries management
Development of fish culture technology for conservation
Research Bio
My role within FFSBC is diverse but predominantly relates to applied aspects of fisheries management that improve fishing and fishing opportunities for anglers. My interest in special fish stock development comes from a desire to improve growth and survival in lakes with challenging conditions such as high pH, lakes with moderate to high densities of non-salmonid competitor and/or predator species, oligotrophic coastal lakes that can produce limited fisheries, and lakes where exotic species have been introduced, decimating the sport fish populations. I spend much of my time developing and evaluating alternate fish strains and/or stocks such as all-female (AF) stocks, sterile (3n) stocks, and AF3n stocks (of rainbow, cutthroat, eastern brook trout and especially kokanee) so that fisheries managers can improve and expand family friendly fisheries with minimal risk to wild populations.
Finally, I am co-chair of the Small Lakes Committee, one of three provincial Technical Committees that act as ‘centres of excellence’ to support an innovative, collaborative approach in the delivery of British Columbia’s freshwater fish and recreational fisheries program. In this role, I work with provincial biologists, academic and other partners to develop tools, establish standard management practices and objectives, coordinate and collaborate on relevant policy, regulations, research and assessment methods required to advance freshwater fisheries science and management across the province.
E.A. Parkinson, M.K. McAllister, T.I. Godin. 2018. Stock assessment model for Rainbow trout in B.C. small lakes based on gillnet sampling data. Fisheries Research. 204: 245-257.
P.J. Askey, H. Ward, T. Godin, M. Boucher and S. Northrup. 2018. Angler effort estimates from instantaneous aerial counts: Use of high-frequency time-lapse camera data to inform model-based estimators. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:194-209.
H.G.M. Ward, J.R. Post, N.P. Lester, P.J. Askey, T. Godin. 2017. Empirical evidence of plasticity in life-history characteristics across climatic and fish density gradients. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 74(4): 464-474,
D.A. Varkey, M.K, McAllister, P.J. Askey, E. Parkinson, A. Clarke, T. Godin. 2016. Multi-criteria decision analysis for recreational trout fisheries in British Columbia, Canada: A bayesian network implementation. N Am J Fish Manage 36(6):1457-1472.
E.R. Newton, B. van Poorten, T. Godin, A. Clarke, S. Greenberg and J.R. Post. 2013. Using Cameras to remotely measure angling effort on small lakes. Poster in 66th Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research.
S. Greenberg and T. Godin. 2015. A Tool Supporting the Extraction of Angling Effort Data from Remote Camera Images. Fisheries 40(6): 276-287.
S. Greenberg and T. Godin. 2012. Timelapse Image Analysis Manual. Technical Report 2012‐1028‐11, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada. Software and additional documentation available at
T.I. Godin. 2009. Canadian fisheries society develops sterile and all-female kokanee for sports fishery. Hatchery International, Volume 10, Issue 1, 1 and 6-7
T.I. Godin, K. Tsumura, T. Yesaki, N.W. West, and K.W. Scheer. 2004. Rainbow Trout Performance in Small Oligotrophic Lakes. Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC. Fisheries Management Report No. 2: 1-8 + Appendices.
T.I. Godin and K. Tsumura. 2001. Kokanee for High pH Lakes. Habitat Conservation Fund Final Report 1997-2001. Province of BC. Ministry of Fisheries. Fisheries Project Report No. RD86: 1-15 + Appendices.
K. Tsumura and T. I. Godin. 2000. Development of a Free Floating, Drifting Trap Net: Selective Salmon Harvest Progress Report December 2000. Fisheries Project Report No. RD84: 1-19.
K. Tsumura and T. I. Godin. 2000. Development of a Free Floating, Drifting Trap Net: Selective Salmon Harvest Progress Report for the period September 1999 to March 2000. Fisheries Project Report No. RD81: 1-14.
T.I. Godin, and K. Tsumura. 1999. Size at Release Comparisons of Blackwater Strain Rainbow Trout in Monoculture and Coarsefish Lakes (1995-1998). Province of BC. Ministry of Fisheries. Fisheries Management Report No. 111: 1-17 + Appendices.
K. Tsumura, T. I. Godin, and B.R. Ward. 1999. Development and Testing of Free Floating Trap Nets: Selective Salmon Harvest - Gill Net Alternative Project. Preliminary Progress Report November 1998 - July. Province of BC. Ministry of Fisheries. Fisheries Project Report No. RD80: 1-14.
K. Tsumura, T.I. Godin, G. Corley-Smith, and M. Siemens. 1998. Optimizing Production of Sterile Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) for Fisheries Management. Province of BC. Ministry of Fisheries. Fisheries Management Report No. 115: 1-10.
K. Malange, K. Tsumura, and T.I. Godin. 1997. Kokanee for High pH Lakes. Habitat Conservation Fund Progress Report (1997-98). Province of BC. Ministry of Fisheries. Fisheries Project Report No. RD74: 1-15 + Appendices.
B.M. Toth, K.I. Ashley, G. Wilson, C.W. Koning, T.I. Godin. P.A. Slaney, and R.W. Land. 1996. Development of a Premier River Fishery: Big Silver Creek fertilization experiment, year one (1994) of low-level inorganic nutrient addition. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Fisheries Project Report No. RD48: 1-20 + Figures.
K.L. Mathias, K. Tsumura, and T.I. Godin. 1995. Alkaline Lakes Enhancement. Habitat Conservation Fund Progress Report (1995-96). Fisheries Project Report No. RD43: 1-30 + Appendices.
T.I. Godin and K. Tsumura. 1995. Rainbow Trout Broodstocks for Coarse Fish Lakes: Habitat Conservation Fund Final Report (1993-94). Province of BC. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Fisheries Project Report No. RD39: 1-18 + Appendices.
T.I. Godin, P.A. Slaney, and D.R. Smith. 1994. Assessments of Resident Rainbow Trout Populations and Stocking Evaluations in Four British Columbia Rivers. Province of BC. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Fisheries Management Report No. 109: 1-19 + Appendices.
T.I. Godin, K. Tsumura, K.L. Mathias. 1994. Alkaline Lakes Enhancement. Habitat Conservation Fund Progress Report (1994-95). Province of BC. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Fisheries Project Report No. RD42: 1-17.
T.I. Godin and K. Tsumura. 1993. Rainbow Trout Broodstocks for Coarse Fish Lakes: Habitat Conservation Fund Progress Report (1992-93). Province of BC. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Fisheries Project Report No. RD34: 1-20 + Appendices.
B.M. Toth, P.A. Slaney, T.I. Godin, and K.I. Ashley. 1993. Development of a Premier River Fishery: Big Silver Pre-fertilization Progress 1993. Province of BC. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Fisheries Project Report No. RD37: 1-16 + Figures.
T.I. Godin and K. Tsumura. 1992. Rainbow Trout Broodstocks for Coarse Fish Lakes: Habitat Conservation Fund Progress Report (1991-92). Province of BC. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. Fisheries Project Report No. RD30: 1-24.
K. Tsumura and T. I. Godin. 1991. Evaluation of Rainbow Trout Strains in Small Coarse Fish Lakes. Three Year Summary: 1988-1990. Province of BC. Ministry of Environment. Fisheries Project Report No. RD28: 1-40.
V.E. Blann, T.I. Godin, K. Tsumura. 1990. Rainbow Trout Broodstocks for Coarse Fish Lakes: Habitat Conservation Fund Progress Report (1990-91). Province of BC. Ministry of Environment. Fisheries Project Report No. RD24: 1-30.
P.A. Slaney and T.I. Godin. 1989. Sumallo River Stocking Evaluation: Progress 1989. Province of BC. Ministry of Environment. Fisheries Project Report No. RD25: 1-9 + Figures.