Dr. Jordan Rosenfeld
See my lab page here
Ph.D. 1998 (University of British Columbia)
M.Sc. 1989 (University of Guelph)
B.Sc. 1986 (University of Toronto)
Research interests
Checking out fish on the Fraser River and paddling down the Skagit.
Conservation of freshwater species and ecosystems
Fish growth and bioenergetics Energy flow and habitat structure in streams Assessing habitat requirements of fish
Recovery of Species at Risk
Research Bio
I am a habitat biologist at heart, and I look through the world through a lens of how habitat constrains ecological processes, and the ecological consequences of habitat alteration by human activity. My central interests are the effects of habitat on ecological processes, and how this information can be used to inform conservation strategies through understanding landscape and microhabitat constraints on fish distribution and abundance. Specific research is focused on modelling fish habitat, optimal stream flows, bioenergetic modelling of drift-feeding fish growth, habitat restoration, and understanding how habitat structure changes along the river continuum.
For more details on the research my lab is involved in visit my research page and publications. If you would like to become involved in our work, please contact me at
jordan.rosenfeld{at}gov.bc.ca 604-398-5007
Applied Aquatic Research Unit, University of British Columbia, 2202 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4.